Piano lessons are a wonderful opportunity for children in more ways than one. Registering your child for piano lessons comes with some unexpected benefits. Here are some reasons why you should register your child for upcoming lessons.
Learning to play an instrument can help build your child's confidence. Small accomplishments on an instrument add up to big success for anyone. It can even encourage them to try other things because they feel great. Learning to play an instrument gives a child something to feel proud of.
According to a recent study by Stamford University, children that took piano lessons can remember 20% more vocabulary words than their peers that didn’t take lessons. Playing a musical instrument helps train young brains to focus and concentrate. Many studies have shown that children involved in music excel academically. Playing an instrument can activate parts of the brain that are associated with memory, which means you could see higher grades at school after a few lessons.
Music lessons help children become more disciplined. They’re also enjoyable for children because as they practice more, they accomplish more. The relationship between being disciplined and practicing and reaping the rewards helps to convey that that direction is positive. Children that take music lessons learn that there is a benefit to following instructions. Perseverance pays off when it comes to music lessons and it will benefit them in every area of their life.
Music lessons will reduce your child's time in front of the screen. It gives them something positive to do with their time that can improve other areas of their life. Lessons and the success they find with them can ensure a steady supply of feel-good dopamine. Developing a love of music and playing an instrument early can positively affect a child's mental health.
Introducing your child to an instrument will help them develop into well-rounded individuals and achieve success in all areas of their lives. Register your child today for piano lessons and watch how they blossom. Get in touch with us today at Jeff’s Piano Sales & Service.
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