Let the Music Flow with a Beautifully Rebuilt Piano

August 16, 2021

In America, over 21 million people play the piano. Do you own an heirloom piano that has been passed down for generations? Has your family treasure become seriously damaged as it has aged or due to the amount of use? Even if your piano is not an heirloom, there are many reasons to have a grand, baby grand, or upright piano rebuilt.

Pianos that have given many performances with constant use or have been stored with poor climate control may need full or partial rebuilding. A well-maintained piano that has received service from local piano shops and is in a mild climate could go many years before it needs to be rebuilt. Generally, pianos are ready to be rebuilt between the age of 40 to 60 years.

Turn a Damaged Piano into a Musical Masterpiece

Professional piano rebuilding is ideal for turning a damaged piano into a musical masterpiece. There is no need to try to get rid of the piano you have come to love like an old friend. Together, you have created lasting memories.

The parts may be broken or fragile. The veneer could be cracked, peeling, or altogether missing. What is left of the finish is dull and lackluster. However, your loving, musical relationship only grows stronger.

Perhaps the soundboard is cracked and needs replacement. The felts upon the hammers may have perished and the strings have become rusty while the pins corroded. Are you missing a few ivory keys or are the keys sticking? If you can relate to any of the damage listed above, it is not too late. Piano rebuilding can restore your beloved, timeless instrument.

Is Your Piano a “Core” Piano?

Technicians call a piano that is a great candidate for rebuilding a “core piano”. A “core piano” is an instrument that has no other use than to be rebuilt. It is unplayable, not tunable, and suffers from the aforementioned damages. Bring a once-gorgeous piano back to life instead of letting it become just another piece of furniture.

Why Focus on Piano Rebuilding?

The main reason to focus on piano rebuilding is simply because older pianos were built much better than newer, more modern pianos built in high-production factories. Antique pianos may have gorgeous decorative cabinetry that is lacking in contemporary styles. In the past, the wood chosen for pianos was also of higher quality. You do not want to lose those aspects.

Piano rebuilding services strive to keep the original look and feel of your piano. This includes replacing any of the 12,000 or more parts a piano may have. Your local piano shop has the ability to rebuild your cherished piano using the utmost standards.

Make Your Piano Sound and Look Like New with These Services:

  • Restoration of the Finish
  • Restoration of the Musical Quality
  • Restoration of the Structural Soundness
  • Replacement of Missing or Damaged Parts

There Are Many Benefits to Piano Rebuilding

When a piano has been fully rebuilt, you are ensured a return to the instrument’s original beauty and sound. The most critical parts that compose the tonal system will have either been replaced or repaired. Such an investment is one of dedicated love that makes your piano worth more than it was in its damaged condition.

You gain more years of musical enjoyment that can be enticing to younger generations. Teaching loved ones how to play the family piano brings everyone closer. A rebuilt piano is ready to be passed down as a family heirloom that will be appreciated for many years.

Strike the Right Chord

Contact a local piano shop with years of experience rebuilding pianos. Their competitively priced services are just what you need to start tickling the ivories again. Schedule an appointment to have your piano inspected for repairs and rebuilding options. Rebuilding such a treasured possession will fill your life with music from the heart once again.

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